Payroll Software

Rs 1,800 /Month‎

Payman make it a perfect and most sought after payroll software solutions for an efficient and smooth working personnel and finance department(s). Payman -The Simple Salary software an invaluable tool for any personnel department.
Payman comes in different models catering to all levels of companies and their needs, be it multi-company, department and location payroll. Payman acts as an ideal payroll calculation & HR software for organizations that wish to expand their business, but are incapable as they lack the extra resources or time.

Feel free to call

+91 265 3511011


Payman Functionality

TDS-PLUS is a complete e-TDS & e-TCS return filing software exclusively designed as per the system specified by IT Department in line with the requirements of the Income Tax Department, Govt. of India.

Payman Editions

Payman is presently available in Three Versions: Enterprise, Standard & Lite all these Editions are available in Multi User And Single User editions.


 – Other Salient Features

 – User Defined Features

 – Piece Rate Based Salaries

 – Pay Slips and Payroll Registers

 – Allowance Maintenance

 – Loan(s) Maintenance

 – TDS Calculations

 – ESI and PF Details

 – PF trust Maintenance

 – Time Office

 – Leave Details

 – Pay Advice and Letters for

 – Overtime Calculations

 – Complete Employee Registers